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Comments Off Ladbrokes Casino Vegas Downtown Blackjack Klicka här för din gratis bonus Precis som standard online blackjack, syftet Vegas Downtown Blackjack är att slå dealerns hand genom att antingen få en bättre hand, utan att överstiga 21, eller av blackjack dealern blir tjock. Som normala online blackjack kan du bara satsa en hand i taget. Blackjack är när din hand innehåller ett Ess och ett kort med ett värde av tio. Det är den starkaste handen i Vegas Downtown Blackjack, och räknas automatiskt. Det kan inte bli slagna, bara matchas. Vegas Downtown är ett amerikanskt hole card spel. De viktigaste reglerna i detta online blackjack spel är: - Det spelas med 2 vanliga däck
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- Värdekort 10 kan delas.
Om du vinner en Blackjack du betalas ut till oddset 3:2 av din ursprungliga insats. Till exempel, om du satsar £ 20 och vinner med en Blackjack, vinner du £ 30 plus din ursprungliga insats. Så, är din totala vinst alltså £ 30 + £ 20 = £ 50. Comments Off
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Ladbrokes Casino Multihand Blackjack Klicka här för din gratis bonus Multihand Blackjack är en variant på det klassiska casino spelet online blackjack och perfekt för den verkliga blackjack entusiast söker lite mer spänning. Multihand Blackjack spelas med fem standard kortlekar med 52 kort som blandas före varje spel. Som med normal online blackjack, är målet att slå dealerns hand genom att antingen få en bättre hand, utan att överstiga 21, eller genom att dealern blir tjock. Med traditionell online blackjack kan du bara satsa på en hand. Med Multihand blackjack du kan satsa på flera händer samtidigt - upp till 5 online blackjack händer samtidigt - vilket gör den mycket mer spännande och ger dig många fler möjligheter att vinna! Med Multihand Blackjack, måste givaren stanna på 17. Om du vinner med en Blackjack du betalas ut till oddset 3:2 av din ursprungliga insats. Om du har tecknat en försäkring mot dealerns blackjack betalas ut på 2:1. Comments Off
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Klicka här för din gratis bonus Totem ler på dig fyra gånger på Ladbrokes Casino som du samla stora segrar i den mystiska kortplats som är Totem Treasure! Totem Treasure har 13 olika symboler, över dess 5 hjul, som satte temat för denna verkligt Native American kortplats. Med vinner tillgänglig i någon riktning på någon rad du kan snart bli chef för gåvor! Yla mot månen i triumferande Dreamcatcher Feature och låsa din Gold Totems för en chans att täcka alla rullar med jokertecken. Inte bara det men det mystiska Totem funktionen kan multiplicera hela din vinna ... en massiv 256 gånger! Comments Off
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Ladbrokes Casino Tens or Better Video Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Tens or Better Poker är en standard video poker. Det finns inga vilda kort och den maximala utbetalningen är 4.000 mynt. Minsta insats: £ 1,25 Högsta insats: £ 25.00 (Eller valuta). Video poker spelas mellan dig och Dealern. Du är fem kort i första hand. När du får din första hand väljer de kort att hålla eller göra. Korten du slänger ersätts med nya från leken. Comments Off
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Ladbrokes Casino Joker Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Joker Poker spelas med en 53-korts kortlek, istället för normala 52 kort. Det extra kortet är en Joker och är ett wild card. Jokern står i för kort av någon valör och färg, för att komplettera en vinnande hand. När du behandlas Jokern är det automatiskt en valör och färg. Detta ger dig den högsta möjliga utdelningen för de kort du håller. Den maximala utbetalningen i Joker Poker är 5.000 mynt. Minsta insats: £ 0,25 Högsta insats: £ 25.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Moonshine Video Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Moonshine presents a spirited Hill Billy theme through hilarious cartoon graphics! This 5 reel, 25 pay-line multiple coin game has a generous slug of Wild, Scatter and Bonus Trigger Symbols and a unique Free Spin Feature The graphics will have you chuckling, especially Gun Totin' Grandma rocking on the porch of her shack with a shed full of firewater in the backyard and a sheriff on her trail. These are all symbols you'll want to see, because Grandma is the Wild, the Sherriff is the Scatter and those moonshine jars trigger some mighty interesting free spins! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Progressive Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Progressive Cyberstud Poker is based on standard Cyberstud Poker, and has a side bet that makes you eligible for additional payouts such as the Progressive Jackpot. Progressive Cyberstud Poker is a game of skill and chance between you and the Dealer. It is played with a single standard deck of 52 cards that are shuffled before each game. You are dealt five cards and the Dealer is dealt one card. When you receive your cards, you can choose to call or fold. The hands are compared and any winnings paid out. The objective is to complete the game with the strongest hand. The payout is dependent on the value of the hand you are holding. To win the Progressive Jackpot you need to receive three consecutive Royal Flush in any suit in one hand. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Dragon's Fortune Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus In a timeless land of mystery and legends, a magnificent red dragon lies waiting to offer you luck and good fortune. The time has come to shine in this beautiful oriental themed instant win game. Watch as the ancient magical dragon reveals his gleaming pearls of fortune and match any two to win up to 20,000 times your stake. Seek the dragon and may fortune be your friend! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Carnaval Klicka här för din gratis bonus Carnaval is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning. Carnaval has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. The Wild symbol substitutes for other symbols to complete winning combinations. The Wild symbol does not substitute for the Scatter symbol to complete scatter winning combinations. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino LotsaLoot 5 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus LotsaLoot Video Slot är en fem hjuls, tjugofem payline, och tjugofem mynts online spelautomat. De multipla payline ökar dina chanser att vinna. LotsaLoot videospelautomaten har en wild symbol och en progressiv jackpot. The LotsaLoot symbolen är en wild symbol. Det innebär att den ersätter andra symboler för att komplettera vinnande kombinationer. Du kan endast kvalificeras för den progressiva jackpoten om du satsar högsta insats på £ 2,50 (eller motsvarande i annan valuta) per spin. Detta är ett mynt per vinstrad. Om du spelar den progressiva, och fem LotsaLoot symboler radas upp på aktiverade tjugofemte payline, vinner du den progressiva jackpoten. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Thunderstruck Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Thunderstruck is a five reel, nine payline, and forty-five coin online slot machine. It has a scatter and a wild, multiplier symbol.Thunderstruck has two Bonus Features. These are Free Spins and Gamble The Thor symbol is a wild, multiplier symbol. This means that it substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations, except the Rams symbol. The Thor symbol doubles the payout of any combination it completes. The Rams symbol is a scatter symbol. This means that it does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided two or more Rams symbols appear. You are paid out for winning combinations on enabled paylines only, except for scatter wins. The Rams symbol can appear in any position, on any of the reels. The Thor symbol does not complete a scatter symbol combination. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Winning Wheels Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Gentlemen, start your engines…. Ladbrokes Casino's latest pub slot will spin your wheels You can almost hear the screaming engines and smell the rubber and oil of red hot car racing in Ladbrokes Casino's latest interactive pub slot Winning Wheels . There's no mistaking the racing theme carried by superb and brightly coloured graphics depicting chequered flags, racing drivers, helmets and even the winner's bottle of champagne. Pub tider är traditionella brittiska stil frukt maskiner med ökad interaktivitet spelare som ger möjlighet att bättre resultat vinner genom att lägga till element av skicklighet som för lyckan. Vinnande Wheels är sant att det populära formatet och presenteras som en 3 hjuls maskin med traditionell 3-i-rad-funktion inträde och ett komplett utbud av kontroll alternativ såsom knuffar och innehar, tillsammans med en 24-funktionen spår ombord som startas När spelaren har fyllt "hjulet rack" grafik. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Joker Poker Power Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Joker Poker Power Poker skiljer sig från en vanlig video poker eftersom du spelar fyra händer av kort. En komplett kortlek med 53 kort används för varje hand, istället för normala 52 kort. Det extra kortet är en Joker och är ett wild card. Jokern står i för kort av någon valör och färg, för att komplettera en vinnande hand. När du behandlas Jokern är det automatiskt en valör och färg. Detta ger dig den högsta möjliga utdelningen för de kort du håller. Den maximala utbetalningen i Joker Poker Power Poker är 5.000 mynt. Minsta insats £ 0,25 Högsta insats £ 25,00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino domaren Strikes Back Klicka här för din gratis bonus Hit denna plats för sex på Ladbrokes Casino! Njut av spänningen i cricket och belöning av en stor plats! Känner du några riktiga interaktiva åtgärder på en generös spelautomat med alla knuffar, upprepar och håller du kan hantera ... och en video Hi-Lo funktionen för att starta upp? Ladbrokes Casinos senaste spelautomat Domaren slår tillbaka har allt, insvept i en komisk och underhållande tema som fokuserar på de gamla och hederliga cricketmatch. Den centrala figuren i detta nya erbjudande är moustached domaren själv, där skicklighet kan gå med lycka att producera några riktiga belöningar. Han presiderar över en skärm full av mycket viktiga röda kulor, hjälmar, wickets, kuddar och fladdermöss alla presenteras i mycket skarpa och färgstarka grafik. Varför är de röda bollarna så viktigt? ... För när tre av dem verkar över hjulen är det dags för Domaren Strikes Back-funktion som ger mer möjligheter att vinna och definitivt mer spänning. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Spår och Fieldmouse Klicka här för din gratis bonus För att hedra de olympiska spelen ger spelarna Guld, Silver och Brons möjligheter att vinna i ett absorberande "Pub Fruity" stil interaktiva slot heter Track and Fieldmouse. Det roliga tema sätter en atletisk mus på spåren free spins, multiplikatorer och generösa belöningar kontanter, ger spelaren alla de traditionella interaktiva bistår som innehar olika typer av knuffar och drag huset som möjliggör utövandet av skicklighet att öka lyckan. De tre hjuls, har 1 vinstlinjer format tre, istället för den vanliga, betala tabeller som gör det möjligt för spelaren att vinna guld, silver eller brons nivå vinnande kombinationer från 1 till 50 på 6 olika symboler och en funktion skärm. I funktionen spel, har det bästa uppsättning hjul 5 vinna linjer, nedre hjulen endast 1. Leden har olika befattningar rik i pengar och andra belöningar, men vissa nackdelar för otur också, alla lägger till det spännande faktor. Trail symboler har vår ace Fieldmouse, tillsammans med olympiska facklor, heder medaljer, bevingade skor, en 500x Jackpot-logotyp som kan leverera upp till £ 5.000 ... och på den lägsta nivån med en närande bit ost! Tonvikten ligger på kul, men avkastningen kan vara allvarlig för spelare med rätt blandning av interaktiva skicklighet och tur, som kontrollerar spelet genom en mängd olika funktioner på bästa AWP slot tradition. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Stallionaire Klicka här för din gratis bonus Vem vill bli Stallionaire är ett snabbt tempo, funktionsrik Pub stil spelautomat med en "dag på kapplöpningarna" trail funktion och en "byst Bookie" Jackpot upprepade chans. De spelregler ingår knuffar och håller på hjulen. Och du kan vara galopperande bort med en £ 10,000 jackpot. Funktionen Leden nås genom att fylla i en linje i skon Matrix. Här är bara några av de funktioner - allt naturligtvis med en häst-tema: Den "Nosebag" - detta garanterar en rulle vinna på spelet. Samla denna funktion kommer du tillbaka till rullen visa och snurra i en seger. The Gift Horse - använder multiplikatorer på höger sida och ger dig en färdighet sköt upp och ner dessa värden. Medallion Stallion – a stoppa win feature where you must hit the stop button to get the light to choose a group of three wins from the right hand side multipliers. You'll win the combined value of all these wins. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Pub Fruity Klicka här för din gratis bonus A traditional British fruit machine is available to play at Ladbrokes online Casino. Pub Fruity is a three reel, one payline, and one coin online slot machine. Plus we have another UK-pub style slot game – Lucky Barstard, 'ave a spin today! Pub Fruity has two Bonus Features, the Drinks Trail bonus game and the Dart Contest bonus game. If a symbol is displayed with a 1, 2 or 3 label, the symbol is automatically converted to a Drinks Trail symbol. One or more Drinks Trail symbols displayed on the payline activate the Drinks Trail bonus game. If a symbol is displayed with a Dart label, the symbol is automatically converted to a Dart Contest symbol. One Dart Contest symbol displayed on the payline highlights one of the three bonus game darts. Three accumulated darts activate the Dart Contest bonus game. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Pandamonium Klicka här för din gratis bonus Pandamonium is a 3 reel, single pay-line English pub-style fruit machine with all sorts from rockin' pandas across the reels, backed by bamboo shoots, guitars and solid gold bars!. This exciting new game combines 3 reel slot action with nudge and hold functionality on a typical lapper board with Feature and Nudge stacks and a cash pot. Oh, not to mention a jackpot of up to £20,000 on offer! Check out some of the fantastic features this game has to offer: Head Banger “Head Banger” guarantees a reel win on the game. Collecting this feature will take you back to the reel view and spin in a win. Turn It Up “Turn It Up” lets you see 3 different valued prizes, which are then hidden and moved around quickly. It's your job to follow the prizes around and then pick one. The object is to follow the highest of the three prizes and select it. Rock Out! Rock Out! is a pick-a-win feature, which takes you back to the reel view to run. You'll be shown a series of wins one after the other. It's up to you to collect one of these wins or wait for the next one that could be larger. This one really depends on how greedy you're feeling… Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino HipHopopotamus Klicka här för din gratis bonus Hiphopopotamus, the amazing slot adding to the selection of top online gambling entertainment, combines the hip hop street music craze with a fun, lurid purple gangster HipHopoPotamus bedecked with tons of bling to create an amusing theme for a state-of-the-art, 'pub fruity' style slot with great reward prospects. The accent is on fun, but the returns can be serious for players with the right mix of interactive skill and luck, who control game-play through a variety of features in the best AWP slot tradition, with nudge and holds that present repeated chances for skill to come into play. HipHopoPotamus is a 3-reel machine with the popular trail feature. The reel bands have overlaid number and bonus symbols on them, which add to the trail action and present the successful player with an impressive range of rewards. There are 9 different reel symbols with reel win payouts ranging from x2 of wager (cherries) right up to x550 for the cool Hippo of the title. Gaining the 8th position on the trail using numbers and bonuses starts the feature, and itself randomly awards one of eight possible sub features with intriguing titles such as “Busta Hippo”, “Funk You Up”, “Rapper's Delight” and the top winning HipHopoPotamus himself. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Gee Gees Klicka här för din gratis bonus Disco Fever has arrived at Ladbrokes Casino with our new UK pub slot Gee Gees . The Gee Gees is a funk-fuelled, medallion-wearing world of money, where horses are the undisputed kings of the dancefloor! Gee Gees offers the chance to win more through extra features and skill elements. There are numbers on the reels that add into a trail with 7 positions, which overflow into the pay table, awarding you with a win. Any win, from the trail or the reels, starts the feature board game immediately. Below are just a few of the features you can expect to find when you play the game: Do The Hustle “Do the Hustle” guarantees you a reel win on the game. Collecting this feature will take you back to the reel view and spin in a win. Hot to Trot This is a stoppa win feature in which you must hit the stop button to get the light to choose a group of three wins from the right hand side multipliers. You win the combined value of all these wins. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Game On Klicka här för din gratis bonus Game On another in our great range of UK pub slots, has a football-theme, but the animals are the stars! Game On is fun and simple to play. Below are a number of the features you'll find when playing the game: Nudge Gamble This is a skill stop feature – which allows you to gamble up to 4 nudges. Stop the flashing nudges and either choose to gamble again or use the nudges. You must collect the nudges before using them. Nudge Repeat This feature is activated when you use all your current nudges and the game gives a “Nudge Repeat“ which gives you the same amount of nudges again. Nudge Bank Hold This feature can be activated you chooses to spin without using all your nudges. The unused nudges are carried over to the next spin. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Cash n Curry Klicka här för din gratis bonus The feature trail on this UK pub-style online slot is reached by filling out the “balti rack”. The sub features can be reached by spinning the hot balti-reel once the feature trail has started. Your progress is helped or hindered by the amount of “coolant level” you have left in your pint glass. Run out of coolant and you'll lose your position, the feature will end and you'll return to the reels. This UK pub-style online slot carries through the Curry-theme to the sub-features. De innefattar: The Bhaji Bonus – collecting this feature will return you to the reel view and spin in a win. Spice-O-Meter – use your skill to hit a win. Multi Balti – pick-a-win from 3 different valued prizes. They are shown, hidden and then moved around – follow your chosen prize and hopefully you pick the highest! Chicken Ticker – a reel-based feature. The reels will start spinning and you must try and stop the reel in the best position. Vind-a-Loot – you are automatically run through a number of wins, which are all added to your win pot. This is a hot! feature. Other sub-features on this online slot game include; Rogan Dosh, Bombay Mix and the Belt Buster. Look out for the Curry-Go-Round Jackpot as this is where you'll definitely win more or more jackpot awards, up to £10,000! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Bill and Ted Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Remember the surprise 1989 movie hit “Bill and Ted's excellent adventure”? The zany, time travelling telephone box fun that characterised this classic film has been recaptured in the 21st century by's latest 3 reel, 5 pay-line interactive pub slot of the same title. Join a youthful Keanu Reeves as Theodore Logan, and Alex Winter as Bill S. Preston Esq., two not-very-bright teenagers, as they travel through time with their guide from 2688 AD, 'Dude' Rufus, encountering notable figures in history to help them graduate high school and pursue their real dream – The Wyld Stalyns band. With realistic graphics that capture the many amusing characters and high points in the film, “Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure – the slot” uses the amusing theme to carry an advanced, interactive pub slot with a host of winning features such as multi-line cascading reel wins, two bonus feature games and a Wyld (wild) symbol. The game additionally offers fixed win lines, meaning that all 5 lines are permanently in play. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Mega Moolah Klicka här för din gratis bonus Who wants to be a Ladbrokes Casino Millionaire? Ladbrokes Casino would like to introduce something completely different and full of possibilities; a mega progressive video slot that offers four tiered jackpots well worth shooting for on a safari into the African jungle, with fierce action from Free Spins, Scatter and Wild rewards. About the game… Wild Africa themed Mega Moolah is truly innovative and unique on the Web with multi-opportunities for reward and a red hot combination of 5 reel, 25 pay-line slot and wheel of fortune style progressive jackpot excitement. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Major Millions 5 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus Launched in 2002, Major Millions progressive slot machine revolutionised the Internet casino world by offering unheard of amounts of money to people playing online casino games from home. Major Millions is a five reel, fifteen payline, and fifteen coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning. It has a wild, multiplier symbol (Major Millions), a scatter symbol (Scatter Explosion) and a Progressive Jackpot. Minimum bet: £0.20 Maximum bet: £3.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino LotsaLoot 3 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus LotsaLoot is a three reel, five payline, and five coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning. LotsaLoot has a wild, multiplier symbol and a Progressive Jackpot that are activated when you bet £2.50 (or currency equivalent). The LotsaLoot symbol is wild and substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations. A single LotsaLoot symbol doubles the payout of any combination it completes. Two LotsaLoot symbols quadruple the payout of any combination they complete. Three LotsaLoot symbols on the fifth payline complete the Progressive Jackpot combination. For every coin that you bet, you enable another payline. You are paid out for winning combinations on enabled paylines only. Minimum bet: £0.50 Maximum bet: £2.50 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Jackpot Deuces Klicka här för din gratis bonus Jackpot Deuces video poker is based on the standard rules of Deuces Wild video poker. It is played with one standard deck of 52 playing cards that is shuffled before each game.The Deuces in the deck are wild. The Deuces are cards with a face value of two. Whenever you are dealt a Deuce, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. Jackpot Deuces Poker is a Progressive video poker that has a Progressive Jackpot that is activated when you bet a minimum of £5 (or currency equivalent). Minimum bet: £1.00 Maximum bet: £5.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Fruit Fiesta 5 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus Fruit Fiesta Video Slot is a five reel, fifteen payline, and fifteen coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning. Fruit Fiesta Video Slot has a wild symbol, a scatter symbol, and a Progressive Jackpot. The Fruit Fiesta symbol is a wild symbol. This means that it substitutes for other symbols to complete winning combinations, except the Scatter Melon symbol. The Scatter Melon symbol means that it does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more Scatter Melon symbols appear. You only qualify for the Progressive Jackpot if you bet the maximum bet of £0.75 (or currency equivalent) per spin. If you are playing the Progressive, and five Fruit Fiesta symbols line up on the fifteenth enabled payline, you win the Progressive Jackpot. Just as Michelle Black did in April 2004, when she scooped the $137,000 jackpot. Minimum bet: £0.05 Maximum bet: £0.75 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Fruit Fiesta 3 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus Fruit Fiesta is a three reel, three payline, and three coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning. Fruit Fiesta has a wild symbol and a Progressive Jackpot that are activated when you bet £0.75 (or currency equivalent). The Fruit Fiesta symbol is wild and substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations.For every coin that you bet, you enable another payline. You are paid out for winning combinations on enabled paylines only. You only qualify for the Progressive if you bet £0.75 (or currency equivalent) per spin. Minimum bet: £0.25 Maximum bet: £0.75 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino CashSplash 5 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus CashSplash Video Slot is a five reel, fifteen payline, and fifteen coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning. CashSplash Video Slot has a wild symbol, a scatter symbol, and a Progressive Jackpot. The CashSplash symbol is a wild symbol. This means that it substitutes for other symbols to complete winning combinations, except the Blue-Scatter symbol and the Progressive Jackpot. The Blue-Scatter symbol is a scatter symbol. This means that it does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more Blue-Scatter symbols appear. You only qualify for the Progressive Jackpot if you bet the maximum bet of £3.00 (or currency equivalent) per spin. If you are playing the Progressive, and five CashSplash symbols line up on the fifteenth enabled payline, you win the Progressive Jackpot. Minimum bet: £0.20 Maximum bet: £3.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino CashSplash 3 Reel Klicka här för din gratis bonus CashSplash is a three reel, one payline, and three coin online slot machine. It has a wild, multiplier symbol and a Progressive Jackpot. The Progressive Jackpot is activated when you bet £3.00 (or currency equivalent). The CashSplash symbol is wild and substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations. A single CashSplash symbol doubles the payout of any combination it completes. Two CashSplash symbols quadruple the payout of any combination they complete. Three CashSplash symbols on the payline complete the Progressive Jackpot combination. Minimum bet: £1.00 Maximum bet: £3.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Louisiana Double Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Louisiana Double Poker is played with a 53-card deck, instead of the normal 52 cards. The extra card is a Double card. If you are holding the Double card with any cards that form a winning combination, the payout of the winning combination is doubled. The double feature is automatic and unconditional. The maximum payout in Louisiana Double Poker is 2,500 coins. Minimum bet: £0.25 Maximum bet: £25.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Jacks or Better Power Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Jacks or Better Power Poker is different from standard video poker as you play four hands of cards. There are no wild cards and the maximum payout is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet £0.25 Maximum bet £25.00 (Or currency equivalent) Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Jacks or Better Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Jacks or Better Poker is a standard video poker. There are no wild cards and the maximum payout is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet: £0.25 Maximum bet: £25.00 (Or currency equivalent). Video poker is played between you and the Dealer. You are dealt five cards in the first hand. When you receive your first hand, choose the cards to hold or discard. The cards you discard are replaced with new ones from the deck. The objective is to complete the game with the strongest hand. The payout is dependent on the value of the hand you are holding. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Double Joker Video Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Double Joker Poker is played with a 54-card deck, instead of the normal 52 cards. The extra cards are Jokers and are wild cards. A Joker stands in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. Whenever you are dealt a Joker, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. The maximum payout in Double Joker Poker is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet: £1.25 Maximum bet: £25.00 Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Double Joker Power Poker
Klicka här för din gratis bonus Double Joker Power Poker is different from a standard video poker as you play four hands of cards. A complete deck of 54 cards is used for each hand, instead of the normal 52 cards. The extra cards are Jokers and are wild cards. A Joker stands in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. Whenever you are dealt a Joker, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. The maximum payout in Double Joker Power Poker is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet £1.00
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Ladbrokes Casino Double Double Bonus Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Video Poker fans who prefer fast and smooth game play and a comfortably familiar “feel” to the game will be more than pleased with this great game, Double Double Bonus Video Poker from Microgaming. The game is to the same style as Bonus Video Poker and Double Bonus Video Poker, but has the following improved pay tables: Double Double Bonus Video Poker 4 ACES w/any 2,3,4 pays 2000 4 2's,3's,4's w/any ACE,2,3,4 pays 800 4 of a kind (ACES) pays 800 4 of a kind (2's, 3's, 4's) pays 400 4 of a kind (5's thru K's) pays 250
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Ladbrokes Casino Deuces Wild Video Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Deuces Wild Poker is played with a standard 52-card deck. However, the Deuces in the deck are wild and stand in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. The Deuces are cards with a face value of 2. Whenever you are dealt a Deuce, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. The maximum payout in Deuces Wild Poker is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet: £0.25 Maximum bet: £25.00
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Ladbrokes Casino Deuces Wild Power Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Deuces Wild Power Poker is different from a standard video poker as you play four hands of cards. However, the Deuces in the deck are wild and stand in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. The Deuces are cards with a face value of 2. Whenever you are dealt a Deuce, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. The maximum payout in Deuces Wild Power Poker is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet £1.00 Maximum bet £5.00
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Ladbrokes Casino Deuces & Joker Video Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Deuces and Joker Poker is played with a 53-card deck, instead of the normal 52 cards. The extra card is a Joker and is a wild card. The Deuces in the deck are wild and stand in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. The Deuces are cards with a face value of 2. The Deuces and Joker stand in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. Whenever you are dealt a Deuce or the Joker, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. The maximum payout in Deuces and Joker Poker is 10,000 coins. Minimum bet: £0.25 Maximum bet: £25.00
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Ladbrokes Casino Deuces & Joker Power Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Deuces and Joker Power Poker is different from a standard video poker as you play four hands of cards. A complete deck of 53 cards is used for each hand, instead of the normal 52 cards. The extra card is a Joker and is a wild card. The Deuces in the deck are wild and stand in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. The Deuces are cards with a face value of 2. The Deuces and Joker stand in for cards of any denomination and suit to complete a winning hand. Whenever you are dealt a Deuce or the Joker, it is automatically assigned a denomination and suit. This gives you the highest possible payout for the cards you are holding. The maximum payout in Deuces and Joker Power Poker is 10,000 coins. Minimum bet £1.00 Maximum bet £5.00
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Ladbrokes Casino Aces & Faces Video Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Aces and Faces Poker is a standard video poker. It has high payouts for combinations of four Aces or four Face cards. Face cards are all Jacks, Queens and Kings. There are no wild cards and the maximum payout is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet: £0.25 Maximum bet: £25.00 (Or currency equivalent).
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Ladbrokes Casino Aces & Faces Power Poker Klicka här för din gratis bonus Aces and Faces Power Poker is different from a standard video poker as you play four hands of cards. It has high payouts for combinations of four Aces or four Face cards. Face cards are all Jacks, Queens and Kings. There are no wild cards and the maximum payout is 4,000 coins. Minimum bet £1.00 Maximum bet £5.00 (Or currency equivalent) Video poker is played between you and the Dealer. You are dealt five cards in the first hand. When you receive your first hand, choose the cards to hold or discard. The cards you discard are replaced with new ones from the deck.
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Ladbrokes Casino Wild Champions Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus It's time to see who is the best of the beasts. This instant win scratchcard pits the kings of the animal world against each other in the athletics arena for big prizes. Scratch off the nine gold panels to reveal the wild athletics elite and match three to win. Reveal three cheeky hammer throwing monkeys to win 250 times your stake! Go wild for this athletic scratchcard
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Ladbrokes Casino Super Zeroes Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the most appalling bunch of super heroes you'll ever see. Watch them screw up in their attempts to save the world, but win huge prizes in the process! Power to huge prizes in an instant. Reveal the dopey super-fools from behind the nine scratch panels and match three to soar to super wins. Match 3 Magginetik symbols to win a whopping 10,000 times your stake. Reach for the skies in this spectacular scratchcard! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Slam Funk Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus The funkiest basketball team ever is out to shoot some hoops… but this time on the dance floor! Lay up some big prizes in this wacky instant win scratchcard. Scratch away the nine panels to reveal the groovy characters and match three to win up to 250 times your stake. You'll go disco crazy with this funky scratchcard. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus To reveal the symbols scratch the card or click show cards. You can win up to fifty times the amount bet on Ladbrokes Casino online Scratchcard game. The payout is dependent on the winning combinations formed. You have won when three of the same symbols are displayed on the card. You are paid out the symbol value multiplied by the amount bet. You can win, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 or 1 times your original bet. Minimum bet: £2.00 Maximum bet: £500.00 Maximum payout: £25,000 (or currency equivalent) Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Golden Ghouls Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus Can Wolfy tear into the defence? Will Vamps ghost past the midfield? Is Frankie alive to the cross? Find out in Golden Ghouls, the ghoulish soccer themed instant win scratchcard! Play for big prizes in an instant. Scratch off the nine silver panels to reveal the ghouls that lurk below, and match three to win. Match three Mummy symbols and you'll win 250 times your stake! There's Monster fun to be had in this scratchcard! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Freezing Fuzzballs Scratchcard Klicka här för din gratis bonus Are you ready to melt your way to big wins? Winter's arrived and the weirdest sets of creatures have become frozen into the mountainside. Free them and you could be on your way to huge prizes. Win big prizes with this instant win game. Thaw away the nine ice cubes to reveal the frozen fuzzballs inside and match three to win! Reveal three shivering Eskimos and win 2,500 times your stake! These crazy little fuzzballs are sure to melt your heart! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Premier Online Roulette Klicka här för din gratis bonus Premier Online Roulette is the newest addition to our range of roulettes. It's graphically designed to make you feel as though seated at a real roulette table!… And now you can bet a tiny £0.25! Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino European Roulette Gold Klicka här för din gratis bonus European Roulette Gold is the most popular online roulette due to its realistic graphics and some special betting features. As with all online roulette the aim is to guess where the spinning ball will stop on the roulette wheel and place your bet on the corresponding number on the roulette table. Once all bets are placed, a small ball is released on to the spinning roulette wheel, in the opposite direction to the spin. The ball stops in one of the numbered pockets of the roulette wheel. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino European Roulette Klicka här för din gratis bonus Online Roulette is a game of chance and consists of a Roulette wheel and table. European Roulette is the most commonly played version of online roulette. The aim of online roulette is to guess where the spinning ball will stop on the roulette wheel and place your bet on the corresponding number on the roulette table. Once all bets are placed, a small ball is released on to the spinning roulette wheel, in the opposite direction to the spin. The ball stops in one of the numbered pockets of the roulette wheel. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino American Roulette Klicka här för din gratis bonus Online roulette is based on the traditional casino game roulette, played in casinos around the world. Double Zero (00) roulette , also called American Roulette , is a slightly different variation of roulette from the popular European version. The main difference in American roulette is that it uses a double zero wheel, with an extra numbered pocket starting from 00. The aim of online roulette is to guess where the spinning ball will stop on the roulette wheel and place your bet on the corresponding number on the roulette table. Once all bets are placed, a small ball is released on to the spinning roulette wheel, in the opposite direction to the spin. The ball stops in one of the numbered pockets of the roulette wheel. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Winning Wizards Klicka här för din gratis bonus Winning Wizards is a five reel, five payline, and five coin online slot machine. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. There are no wild symbols and the maximum payout is 10,000 coins. Minimum bet: £1.25 Maximum bet: £25.00 (Or currency equivalent) Maximum Jackpot = 10000 coins Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Wheel of Wealth Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Wheel of Wealth Special Edition is a compelling game on the big 5 reel, 25 payline model, enhanced by a slew of thrilling features such as extra rewards through Scatters, Wilds, Multipliers … and two very special bonuses through Reel and Wheel of Wealth opportunities. The bonus rounds are especially interesting for the many players who enjoy this dynamic style of video slot gaming; if 3 or 4 bonus trigger symbols land on a payline, the Reel Bonus feature is triggered, empowering the player to select one of the bonus symbols displayed on the reels. The prize is either a cash award that can be as high as £2,000, or entry into the generous action in the Wheel of Wealth bonus game. The Wheel of Wealth bonus opportunity is also triggered when 5 Bonus trigger icons appear on a payline, giving the player a chance to spin the multi-coloured wheel and win a cash reward as high as 10,000 coins – a value of £5,000.
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Ladbrokes Casino What a Hoot Klicka här för din gratis bonus What a Hoot is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. What a Hoot has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. The Wild Tree symbol is a wild symbol. This means that it substitutes for other symbols to complete winning combinations. The Wild Tree symbol does not substitute for the Scatter Jar symbol to complete scatter winning combinations.
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Ladbrokes Casino Vinyl Countdown Klicka här för din gratis bonus Vinyl Countdown is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. Vinyl Countdown has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. The Wild Jukebox symbol is wild. This means that it substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations, except the Scatter Glitter Ball symbol. The Scatter Glitter Ball symbol is a scatter symbol. This means that it does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more Scatter Glitter Ball symbols appear. Comments Off
Ladbrokes Casino Tomb Raider Bonus Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Brand new! Try our newest Lara adventure now!… Tomb Raider – Secret of the Sword, the sequel to this game, our original Tomb Raider slot. Tomb Raider slot is one of the most popular slot games at Ladbrokes online Casino. It is a five reel, fifteen payline, and seventy-five coin online slot machine. It is a slick online bonus slot game with great special effects and explosive sounds. Choose to play the quick spins feature and go from spnning to winning in just 2.5 seconds! De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. Tomb Raider slot has a wild symbol, a scatter symbol, a Free Spins bonus game, and a Tomb bonus game.
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Ladbrokes Casino Tally Ho Klicka här för din gratis bonus Based on the very successful Thunderstruck, this game is certain to be a hit! We're confident that you will find Tally Ho as exciting… and perhaps even more rewarding, than the highly acclaimed Thunderstruck. Funktioner: - Wild Multiplier and Scatter opportunities - Free Spin bonus feature - Gamble feature, which allows you to gamble 2x or 4x your win
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Ladbrokes Casino Sure Win Klicka här för din gratis bonus This 5 reel, 25 pay-line game will take you on a ride you won't soon forget that features Wild, Scatter, Multiplier, Gamble and Free Spin action galore and the opportunity to win up to 35,000 coins in the base game, or a stunning 140,000 coins with good fortune and skilled choices on the Free Spins. The SURE WIN leader scoreboard is Wild in this outstanding bespoke game, tripling wins on successful combinations, whilst the bookie with the hot tip provides Scatter opportunities across reels 3, 4 or 5, triggering the remarkable Free Spin feature with its pick of 3 jockeys and associated range of spins and multipliers that will help you to stay the course and come in a winner.
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Ladbrokes Casino Sun Quest Klicka här för din gratis bonus SunQuest is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. It is exclusive to our Instant play Casino. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. SunQuest has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. The Sunset Wild symbol is a wild symbol. This means that it substitutes for other symbols to complete winning combinations, except the SunQuest Scatter symbol. The SunQuest Scatter symbol is a scatter symbol. This means that is does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more SunQuest Scatter symbols appear.
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Ladbrokes Casino StarScape Klicka här för din gratis bonus The space-age theme on this game will leave you star-struck with brilliantly coloured Saturn and its rings, giant Jupiter, fast moving icy asteroids and a fire-storming sun so real that you can feel the heat! Our fave is the Bonus screen that appears when 3, 4 or 5 of the huge Scatter spacecraft glide majestically across your reels, triggering a giant window into space and 25 blocks from which you can select a multiplier that super-boosts your wins. Check out the ultra mod game controls that are especially well executed with the futuristic feel of a space-bridge but an ease of use and intuitive layout that will appeal to any slots player.
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Ladbrokes Casino Spring Break Klicka här för din gratis bonus Spring Break is a five reel, nine payline, and forty-five coin online slot machine. It has a scatter and a wild, multiplier symbol.Spring Break has two Bonus Features. These are Free Spins and Gamble. The Spring Break symbol is a wild, multiplier symbol. This means that it substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations, except the Beach Party symbol. The Spring Break symbol doubles the payout of any combination it completes. The Beach Party symbol is a scatter symbol. This means that it does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided two or more Beach Party symbols appear.
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Ladbrokes Casino Skull Duggery Klicka här för din gratis bonus Skull Duggery is a five reel, nine payline, and forty-five coin online slot machine. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. Skull Duggery has a wild, multiplier symbol, a scatter symbol, and a Booty bonus game. The Skull Duggery symbol is a wild, multiplier symbol. It is only wild for food symbols. This means that it substitutes for any food symbol to complete winning combinations. The Skull Duggery symbol does not substitute for the Scatter Skull, Pirate Captain or Dagger symbols to complete winning combinations, or the Thief symbol to activate the Bonus Feature.
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Ladbrokes Casino Secret Admirer Klicka här för din gratis bonus Secret Admirer is a five reel, nine payline, and ninety coin online slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning.Secret Admirer has a wild symbol, a scatter symbol, a Free Spins bonus game and a Gamble bonus game. The Mask symbol is a wild symbol. Det innebär att den ersätter andra symboler för att komplettera vinnande kombinationer. The Mask symbol does not substitute for the Diamond Ring symbol to complete scatter winning combinations.
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Ladbrokes Casino Reel Thunder Klicka här för din gratis bonus Reel Thunder is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. Reel Thunder has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. The Wild Heart symbol is wild. This means that it substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations, except the Scatter symbol. The Scatter symbol does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more Scatter symbols appear.
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Ladbrokes Casino Oriental Fortune Klicka här för din gratis bonus Oriental Fortune is a five reel, five payline, and five coin slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning.Oriental Fortune has a wild symbol and the maximum payout is 5,000 coins. The Geisha symbol is wild. This means it substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations. For every coin that you bet, you enable another payline.
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Ladbrokes Casino New – Tomb Raider 2 Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus The biggest launch in 2008 is here! Tomb Raider – Secret of the Sword has arrived at…. The most advanced slot in online gaming will amaze you and fill you with thrills! Join Lara now on an international quest for big rewards as she hunts for the Secret of the Sword. would like to present one of the most ambitious video slots yet seen in online gambling: Tomb Raider – The Secret of the Sword. Presented in a glossy 5 reel 30 pay-line multi-faceted package that sets new standards in every aspect of gaming, this outstanding game offers hours of interactive entertainment and the chance to hit major rewards through a variety of free spins, bonuses, wild and scatter awards and free games.
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Ladbrokes Casino Monster Mania Klicka här för din gratis bonus Monster Mania is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin slot machine. De multipla vinstrader ökar dina chanser att vinna. Monster Mania has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. The Monster Wild symbol is a wild symbol. This means that it can substitute for all other symbols to complete winning combinations, except the Scatter Brain symbol. The Scatter Brain symbol is a scatter symbol. This means that it does not need to appear in a line on an enabled payline to win. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more Scatter Brain symbols appear.
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Ladbrokes Casino Mermaids Millions Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Mermaids Millions is a five reel, fifteen payline, and seventy-five coin slot machine. The multiple paylines increase your chances of winning.Mermaids Millions has a wild symbol, a scatter symbol, a Free Spins bonus game, and a Treasure bonus game. The Neptune symbol is a wild symbol. Detta innebär att den ersätter andra symboler för att komplettera vinnande kombinationer. The Neptune symbol does not substitute for the Mermaid symbol to complete scatter winning combinations. The Neptune symbol does not substitute for the Treasure Bonus symbol to activate the Treasure bonus game.
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Ladbrokes Casino Mega Moolah Klicka här för din gratis bonus Wild Africa themed Mega Moolah is truly innovative and unique on the Web with multi-opportunities for reward and a red hot combination of 5 reel, 25 pay-line slot and wheel of fortune style progressive jackpot excitement. Lions are not just comical carnivores here, but Wild in every sense and can double wins, whilst Scatters are featured as Headhunter trophies – hit some of these on your journey through this thriller of a game and open the door to 15 Free Spins that re-trigger and triple all wins throughout the cycle. This is the route to the big bucks, and we don't just mean the antelope on the screen! All that feature-rich action would probably be enough right there for an enthralling gaming experience, but we're not done yet – spin the sunny Jackpot Wheel in a quest for the best on a four tiered progressive. The Mega is where it's at, offering a top prize of at least a £1,000,000 . The next level down is the Major, which starts at £10,000 followed by the Minor level at £100 and the consolation prize at the Mini level of at least £10 .
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Ladbrokes Casino Mad Hatters Slot
Klicka här för din gratis bonus Get set to party on with the Mad Hatter and his buddies on the exciting 5 reel, 30 pay-line Mad Hatters Video Slot. This is a nutty tea party with a difference, where with a little luck and good interactive judgment you really can have your cake and eat it! It's a game with several unique “firsts” for online gaming; check out the different ways to win on more pay-lines and up to 50 free spins, and the innovative Extra Wild and Expanding Wild features! Plus… There are £200,000 jackpots waiting to be won! Let's take a look at those ways to win in more detail. First, look out for the crazy cuckoo, because 3, 4 or 5 of this little guy on adjacent reels activates an on-screen bonus feature where you can choose three out of five birds and add the wins to your pay-line rewards. And those wins can be pretty insane – up to 11,100 coins.
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Ladbrokes Casino Loaded Video Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Loaded has wild, scatter, free spin and gamble opportunities that can take you to a maximum jackpot of £140,000 , with plenty of fun and excitement on the way there. The hip hop theme is captured in bright, amusing graphics with flashy boats, bling bling galore, limos, foxy ladies and cool dudes – look out especially for the top rapper Triple 7 who triggers the Wild symbol that can triple your wins…. Or his Bling Bling Ring which is the scatter symbol – when it does not trigger the free spin feature it will award a scatter pay.
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Ladbrokes Casino Ladies Nite Klicka här för din gratis bonus Ladies Nite is a five reel, nine payline, and forty-five coin online slot machine. De multipla payline ökar dina chanser att vinna. Ladies Nite has a wild, multiplier symbol, a scatter symbol, a Free Spins bonus game and a Gamble bonus game. The Glitterball symbol is a wild, multiplier symbol. This means that it substitutes for other symbols to complete winning combinations, and multiplies the payout. The Glitterball symbol does not substitute for the Waiter symbol to activate the Free Spins bonus game, or to complete scatter winning combinations.
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Ladbrokes Casino Hitman Klicka här för din gratis bonus The Hitman video slot game has a sinister theme with some of the best, photo-realistic graphics in the business, from Hitman Agent 47 and his cool, dangerous self, right through an assortment of tools-of-the-trade such as sniper rifles, deadly drugs and the glint of cold hard steel. Enter the mysterious and deadly world of the modern assassin at Ladbrokes Casino and take out a contract to win with the 5 reel 15 pay-line video slot Hitman, a totally engrossing, multi level game with a slew of exciting features. Select from a choice of targets, a choice of weapons and sit back and enjoy the action – a real action attraction of bonuses, multipliers and winnings. The betting range runs from as little as a cent right through to £75 and rewards can be as high as £20,000 in the base game and £40,000 on the Free Spin feature. The on-screen bonus opportunities could bring a further £1,500 and the off-screen bonus can reach breath-taking £67,500 . A dangerous amount of money … that could blow you away, but in a good way!
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Ladbrokes Casino Gift Rap Klicka här för din gratis bonus Ladbrokes Casino celebrates the festive season this year with a unique video slot that packs a real punch in terms of entertainment, action and rewards, all wrapped in a fun Hip Hop style that we've called Gift Rap . This 25 line, 5 reel game can really make you carol this Christmas with a stunning £30,000 jackpot boosted by another £16,125 if the bonuses work for you…and there are plenty of big bonus opportunities here, especially in the exciting Gift Grab.
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Ladbrokes Casino Genie's Gems Klicka här för din gratis bonus Genie's Gems is a five reel, five payline, and five coin slot machine. De multipla payline ökar dina chanser att vinna. There are no wild symbols and the maximum payout is 10,000 coins. Minimum bet: £1.25 Högsta insats: £ 25.00 (Eller valuta) Maximum Jackpot = 10000 coins
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Ladbrokes Casino Dino Might Klicka här för din gratis bonus It's big, it's bold and it's full of brightly coloured dinosaurs that will keep you entertained for hours – we're talking a major video slot… 25 payline, 5 reel slot of Dino Might! This explosive slot package comes with a slew of features including 2 great bonus feature opportunities and Wild, Multiplier and Scatter symbols – this game really does have it all. The top quality graphics carry a prehistoric theme loaded with fossils, amber-entombed insects, and some very large and fearsome dinosaurs!
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Ladbrokes Casino Crazy Chameleons Klicka här för din gratis bonus Crazy Chameleons is a five reel, five payline, and five coin online slot machine. De multipla payline ökar dina chanser att vinna. Crazy Chameleons has a wild symbol and the maximum payout is 5,000 coins. The Wave symbol is wild. This means it substitutes for any other symbol to complete winning combinations. For every coin that you bet, you enable another payline. You are paid out for winning combinations on enabled paylines only.Winnings are paid out on the highest combination on each enabled payline only.
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Ladbrokes Casino Cashapillar Video Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Garden bug bash for a hundred lines of cash! With as many pay-lines as a centipede has legs, Ladbrokes Casino's latest new game is the biggest video slot ever launched, with Wild, Scatter, Freespins, Multiplier and Gamble opportunities wrapped in a fun insect birthday party theme – we've called it Cashapillar. This massive 5 reel, 100 pay-line video slot will worm its way into a player's heart because it introduces the 'stacked wilds' concept on all reels for the first time. Here a maximum of 5 'Cashapillar' wilds can appear vertically stacked to create a win bonanza – and every time the wild substitutes to complete a win, that win is doubled!
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Ladbrokes Casino Bush Telegraph Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus Come and discover the hidden treasure that Bush Telegraph is hiding! Bonus drums waiting to be heard and Jackpots looking to be uncovered! If you enjoy the smooth, fast play and thrilling bonus and reward features of our exceptional Tomb Raider, you're going to love this exciting new video slot and it's uniquely African setting that captures the vibrancy, colour and exotic wildlife of the jungle, while containing the advanced computer technology on which the game is based. Bush Telegraph is a 5 reel, 15 payline, multiple coin video slot, featuring a wild Bonus Feature, 10x Free Spin Feature and an untamed Gamble Feature.
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Ladbrokes Casino Break da Bank Again Video Slot Klicka här för din gratis bonus is delighted to present the sequel to the popular Break Da Bank slot – the new and improved Break Da Bank Again! Motivated by player requests for 3D graphics and more features, our game developers have provided these in abundance in a sleekly expensive looking theme that includes lots of lovely lucre, glittering precious stones, shiny gold ingots and a massive vault to set the scene for some great slots action. This vibrant 9-line, 5 reel sequel takes the original concept of “Break Da Bank” and turns it into something brilliant and dazzling…a worthy successor to a very popular game enjoyed by thousands of Internet gamblers. High roller slot fans will be most attracted to the new offering, but its range of coin sizes and ease of play allows it to be played and enjoyed by all.
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Ladbrokes Casino Big Top Klicka här för din gratis bonus Big Top is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. De multipla payline ökar dina chanser att vinna. Big Top has a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol.The Wild symbol is wild. This means that it substitutes for any other symbol to complete a winning combination, except the Scatter Monkey symbol. The Scatter Monkey symbol is a scatter symbol. Detta innebär att det inte behöver visas på rad på en aktiverad vinstrad för att vinna. It can be scattered anywhere on the five reels, provided three or more Scatter Monkey symbols appear.
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Ladbrokes Casino Big Kahuna Klicka här för din gratis bonus Big Kahuna is a five reel, nine payline, and forty-five coin online slot machine. It has a scatter and a wild symbol. Big Kahuna has two Bonus Features, the Pick a Mask bonus game and the Volcano bonus game. The Big Kahuna symbol is a wild symbol. It is only wild for fruit symbols. The Big Kahuna symbol does not substitute for a Chief or Lizard symbol to complete winning combinations, or the Mask and Volcano symbols to activate the Bonus Features.
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Ladbrokes Casino 5 Reel Drive Klicka här för din gratis bonus 5 Reel Drive is a five reel, nine payline, and nine coin online slot machine. De multipla payline ökar dina chanser att vinna. 5 Reel Drive has a wild symbol and a scatter symbol. The Winding Road Sign symbol is wild and can substitute for all other symbols, except the Police Car symbol, to complete winning combinations. The Police Car symbol is a scatter symbol. This means you are paid out if it appears in any position on all five reels.For every coin that you bet, you enable another payline. You are paid out for winning combinations on enabled paylines only.
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Ladbrokes Casino Online Blackjack Klicka här för din gratis bonus Online Blackjack This amazing version offers a sophisticated table game which uses precision animation, digital sound, and superior graphics… all brilliantly crafted with a mix of imagination, cutting edge technology and gambling tradition. Outstanding new additions to the ambience include better player views, an animating chip selector, an enlarged chip tray, rollover rules and ambient background music, all enhancing the casino “feel” of the game. Once play begins, the appearance of articulate icons, card flips and chip movements deliver an unprecedented level of gaming ambience and entertainment.
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Ladbrokes Casino European Blackjack Gold MH Klicka här för din gratis bonus Ladbrokes Casino is proud to introduce our new European Blackjack Gold Multihand to our Instant Casino… The Gold version offers a sophisticated table game which uses precision animation, digital sound, and superior graphics… all brilliantly crafted with a mix of imagination, cutting edge technology and gambling tradition. Outstanding new additions to the ambience include better player views, an animating chip selector, an enlarged chip tray, rollover rules and ambient background music, all enhancing the casino “feel” of the game blackjack. Once play begins, the appearance of articulate icons, card flips and chip movements deliver an unprecedented level of gaming ambience and entertainment.
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Ladbrokes Casino Double Exposure Blackjack Klicka här för din gratis bonus As with all online blackjack , the aim of Double Exposure blackjack is to beat the online blackjack Dealer's hand by either getting a higher value hand, without exceeding 21, or by the Dealer's hand going bust. Blackjack is when your hand contains an Ace and a card with a value of ten. It is the strongest hand in Double Exposure Blackjack, and automatically stands. It cannot be beaten. The key rules in the online blackjack game Double Exposure Blackjack are: - It is played with eight standard decks of 52 playing cards
- Both the online blackjack dealer's cards are dealt face up
- 10 value cards can be split
- There is no Insurance available
- You can only play one hand at a time.
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Ladbrokes Casino Classic Blackjack Klicka här för din gratis bonus Classic Blackjack is a traditional table game and one of the most popular casino games at Ladbrokes Casino. You play Classic Blackjack with one standard deck of 52 playing cards that is shuffled before each game. The aim of blackjack is to beat the Dealer's hand by either getting a better hand, without exceeding 21, or by the Dealer's hand going Bust. In typical online blackjack gambling, you can only bet one hand at a time.
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Ladbrokes Casino Blackjack – High Limit Klicka här för din gratis bonus As with standard online blackjack, High Limit European Blackjack is a game of skill and chance between you and the Dealer. The aim is to beat the online blackjack Dealer's hand by either getting a better hand, without exceeding 21, or by the Dealer's hand going bust. In High Limit Blackjack , you can only bet one hand at a time. Blackjack is when your hand contains an Ace and a card with a value of ten. It is the strongest hand in Blackjack, and automatically stands. Det kan inte bli slagna, bara matchas. At Ladbrokes online casino High Limit European Blackjack is played with two standard decks of 52 playing cards that are shuffled before each game. In European Blackjack, the dealer must stand on 17.
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Ladbrokes Casino Atlantic City Gold MH Klicka här för din gratis bonus If you're looking for the ultimate experience in online blackjack gaming, our new Atlantic City Blackjack Gold Multihand is just the thing for you! Denna serie tar blackjack spelande på Internet till en ny nivå när det gäller smidigt och snabbt spela, vackert avrättades grafik, digital kvalitet ljudeffekter och musik. Missa inte om förbättrad bord perspektiv, precis grafik, en pådrivande chip väljare, ett utvidgat markerlådan, regler välta och ambient bakgrundsmusik, alla öka realismen i spelet.
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Ladbrokes Casino Atlantic City Gold MH Klicka här för din gratis bonus If you're looking for the ultimate experience in online blackjack gaming, our new Atlantic City Blackjack Gold Multihand is just the thing for you! Denna serie tar blackjack spelande på Internet till en ny nivå när det gäller smidigt och snabbt spela, vackert avrättades grafik, digital kvalitet ljudeffekter och musik. Missa inte om förbättrad bord perspektiv, precis grafik, en pådrivande chip väljare, ett utvidgat markerlådan, regler välta och ambient bakgrundsmusik, alla öka realismen i spelet.
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